Sponsorship Donation 2024-2025

As a PTO, we sponsor many programs and activities for our students, parents, and staff. Please consider helping us do this by making a donation today (this donation is not considered membership for the PTO, it is separate and will go directly towards PTO sponsored events).  

*All online purchases require a log in - if you would prefer to pay by cash or check, please contact the PTO Fundraising team at: bennettbearsptofundraising@gmail.com.


All donations are greatly appreciated!




Please attach the logo you would like displayed for Bennett PTO media purposes.

 Carnival Sponsor more
 Business Sponsor - BRONZE more
 Business Sponsor - SILVER more
 Business Sponsor - GOLD more
 Business Sponsor - BENNETT BEAR LEGEND more
 Business Sponsor - T-Shirt Donation more


Thank you for your generous donation!

Upcoming Events



Bennett Bear Legends

Burgess Construction Consultants

Dragon Air Services

Central States Industrial Equipment & Service, Inc


Gold Sponsors


Silver Sponsors

Dr. Buchanan Orthodontics

Stemtree of McKinney

Seasoned Realty Group

Brandon Industries


Bronze Sponsors

Qwerts Cookies

The Kahn Family


Would you like to see your business name here?  

Contact the Fundraising Coordinator to become a Sponsor or sign up here.

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