Please welcome our 2024-2025 hard working parents who have volunteered to provide their talents and leadership to support Bennett staff, students and parents. Count on us to serve you and join us in making this year the best it can be. Please reach out if we can help answer any questions.
Alison Lewis President |
Jana Brady Vice President |
Ashley Calta Secretary |
Amanda Yantosh Treasurer |
Dan Brady Asst. Treasurer |
Lesley Glover Parliamentarian |
Courtney Burgess Volunteer Co-Director |
Laura Bruhn Volunteer Co-Director |
Maria Sipriano Socials Co-Director |
Kirsty Bishop Socials Co-Director |
Shiraz Phipps Historian |
Laura Aguilar Gann Spiritwear |
Dara Otu Spiritwear |
Amy Allen Publicity & Communications |
Kiana Joyner Parent Education |
Emily Islip Fundraising |
Tara Khedouri Fundraising |
Kassie Halpin School Principal |
PTO Lead Volunteers
Teacher Appreciation
Room Rep Coordinator
Senior Breakfast Coordinator
Work Room Coordinator
Beautification Coordinator
Jennifer Wines - School Supplies
Amy Allen - Yearbook Coordinator
Variety Show Coordinator
Watch D.O.G.S. Lead
If you are interested in any of the open positions on the board or as a lead volunteer, please email