


Christie Abraham

Email address: cabraham@mckinneyisd.net

Birthday (Format: MM/DD): 06/20

Shirt Size: XXL

Monogram (or name preference for monogrammed items): CKA

Favorite College or Sports Team: Oklahoma State

Favorite Color: Pink

Favorite Salty Snack: Chips/Salsa, Dots Pretzels, movie popcorn

Favorite Sweet Snack: Peanut Butter M&Ms, Milky Way, Chocolate covered pretzels

Favorite Soft Drink: Dr Pepper, Coke

Favorite Coffee Drink: N/A

Favorite Take Out Restaurant: Sonic, Chick-fil a, Panda Express, Salad & Go

Favorite Sit Down Restaurant: Glorias, TX Roadhouse

Favorite Teacher Supply Store (or where you buy most of your supplies from): Amazon, Walmart

Favorite Flower: Any :)

Favorite Hobby: Crafting

Favorite Gift Card: Amazon, Old Navy, Sonic

Do you have any dietary restrictions? No

Top 3 Classroom Supply Wishes: Clorox Wipes, Flair Pens, Scented Markers

What can your classroom parents do to help you the most? Lunch Duty, Copies, Small Group



Shera Hansen 

Email address: shansen@mckinneyisd.net

Birthday (Format: MM/DD): 07/11

Shirt Size: XL

Monogram (or name preference for monogrammed items): SHN

Favorite College or Sports Team: Dallas Cowboys

Favorite Color: Emerald Green

Favorite Salty Snack: Chips, nuts, beef jerky, etc.

Favorite Sweet Snack: Pastries

Favorite Soft Drink: Dr. Pepper

Favorite Coffee Drink: Anything w/ Caramel

Favorite Take Out Restaurant: Chipotle or Jersey Mikes

Favorite Sit Down Restaurant: Union Bear or Lazy Dog

Favorite Teacher Supply Store (or where

you buy most of your supplies from): Amazon

Favorite Flower: Potted House Plants- Fiddle Leaf Fig, Monstera, ZZ

Favorite Hobby: Interior Design, Reading, Traveling, and Concerts

Favorite Gift Card: Visa

Do you have any dietary restrictions? No

Top 3 Classroom Supply Wishes: On my Amazon Wishlist- Remote outlet, digital wall clock, and logic puzzles.

What can your classroom parents do to

help you the most? Communicate and support me and their child in their learning



Erin Hawkins

Email address: ehawkins@mckinneyisd.net

/Birthday (Format: MM/DD):07/16

Shirt Size: XXL

Monogram (or name preference for monogrammed items): EHH, Miss Hawkins, or Erin

Favorite College or Sports Team: Texas A&M, Rangers, Cowboys

Favorite Color: Light Blue or Light Yellow

Favorite Salty Snack: Original Dot's pretzels, cheese-its, goldfish, gardettos

Favorite Sweet Snack: Twix, Ghirardelli milk chocolate caramel, brownies, chocolate chip/snickerdoodle cookies.

Favorite Soft Drink: Dr. Pepper, Sprite, half sweet tea half lemonade

Favorite Coffee Drink: N/A, don't drink coffee:)

Favorite Take Out Restaurant: Chick-Fil-A, Jersey Mike's, CAVA

Favorite Sit Down Restaurant: 54th Street, Salsa's, Gloria's, BJ's

Favorite Teacher Supply Store (or where you buy most of your supplies from): Amazon

Favorite Flower: All flowers or house plants!

Favorite Hobby: Reading and crafting

Favorite Gift Card: Amazon, Target

Do you have any dietary restrictions? No

Top 3 Classroom Supply Wishes: Treasure box/classroom store prizes.

What can your classroom parents do to help you the most? Volunteer to work with a group during WIN time



Whitney Lytle

Email Address: Wlytle@mckinneyisd.net

Birthday (MM/DD): 12/21

Shirt Size: XL

Monogram (or name preference for monogrammed items): WLF

Favorite Sports Team(s): Baylor

Favorite Color: Teal

Favorite Salty Snack: Popcorn

Favorite Sweet Snack: Mike Ike

Favorite Soft Drink: Diet Coke

Favorite Coffee Drink: Coffee sugar free creamer

Favorite Take Out Restaurant: Nom noms

Favorite Sit Down Restaurant: Nom noms

Favorite Teacher Supply Store: Mardels, hobby lobby

Favorite Flower: Anything in a POT

Favorite Hobby: Basketball, reading, crafting

Favorite Gift Card: Amazon

Do you have any dietary restrictions: No

Top 3 Classroom Supply wishes: Dry erase markers, brain games, craft supplies

What can your classroom parents do to help you the most? 

Any help would be AMAZING! In or out of the classroom, with or without kiddos