


Jill Sullivan

Email address: jisullivan@mckinneyisd.net

Birthday (Format: MM/DD): 02/19

Shirt Size: M

Monogram (or name preference for

monogrammed items): JS

Favorite College or Sports Team: Dallas Cowboys

Favorite Color: Red

Favorite Salty Snack: Mixed Nuts

Favorite Sweet Snack: Anything chocolate

Favorite Soft Drink: Dr. Pepper

Favorite Sonic Drink

Favorite Coffee Drink: Caramel Apple Spice with whip at Starbucks

Favorite Take Out Restaurant: Chick-fil-a, Sonic, Whataburger, Torchys

Favorite Sit Down Restaurant: Chilis, Cavallis, 54th Street, Mesas

Favorite Teacher Supply Store (or where you buy most of your supplies from): Amazon, Target, Walmart

Favorite Flower: Calla Lily

Favorite Hobby: Workout, Movie House and Eatery

Favorite Gift Card: Amazon, Target

Do you have any dietary restrictions: No

Top 3 Classroom Supply Wish Items: Markers, Colored Pens, Treasure Box

What can your classroom parents do to  help you the most: Volunteer for lunch duty.




Jen Blazek

Email address: jenblazek@mckinneyisd.net

Birthday (Format mm/dd): 08/24

Shirt Size: XL

Monogram (or name preference for monogrammed items): JBN

Favorite College or Sports Team: Nebraska (Go Big Red), Cowboys and Rangers

Favorite Color: Purple

Favorite Salty Snack: Popcorn, Flavored Pretzels, Trail Mix

Favorite Sweet Snack: M and M's (all the flavors) and Sour Patch

Favorite Soft Drink: Dr. Pepper

Favorite Sonic Drink 

Favorite Coffee Drink: Iced White Chocolate Mocha

Favorite Take Out Restaurant: Chick-fil-a and Sonic

Favorite Sit Down Restaurant: Texas Roadhouse and Nom Nom's

Favorite Teacher Supply Store (or where

you buy most of your supplies from): Amazon

Favorite Flower: Roses

Favorite Hobby: Anything involving sports!

Favorite Gift Card: Amazon or Target

Do you have any dietary restrictions: N/A

Top 3 Classroom Supply Wishes: Fun things for the treasure box, STEAM type activities, Stickers

What can your classroom parents do to help you the most: Read/work with your child at home!


Stacey Ray

Email Address: sray@mckinneyisd.net

Birthday (Format MM/DD): 05/02

Shirt Size: M

Monogram (or name preference for monogrammed items): SDR

Favorite College or Sports Team: Texas State University

Favorite Color: Pink

Favorite Fruit: Strawberries

Favorite Candy or Candy Bar: Kit Kat, milk chocolate pretzels, nothing with nuts 

Favorite Gum Flavor: N/A

Favorite Soft Drink: Dr. Pepper

Favorite Sonic Drink: Limeade slush

Favorite Starbucks Drink: Mocha frappuccino, white chocolate mocha

Favorite Cookie: Crumbl cookies, nothing with nuts

Favorite Cake: Lemon or red velvet bundt cake

Favorite Dessert: Crumbl cookies, Nothing Bundt Cakes

Favorite Take Out Restaurant: Nom Noms

Favorite Sit Down Restaurant: La Hacienda, Italian Garden

Favorite Ice Cream Shop & Flavor: Handel's Ice Cream, lemon bar 

Favorite Coffee Shop: Starbucks

Favorite Bookstore: Amazon

Favorite Teacher Supply Store (or where you buy most of your supplies from): Amazon

Favorite Flower: Rose

Favorite Scent: N/A

Favorite Nail Salon: N/A

Favorite Hobby: Reading

Favorite $5 Gift Card: Starbucks or Sonic 

Favorite $20 Gift Card: Amazon, Target, Gap

Favorite $100 Gift Card: Altar’d State, Visa

Do you have any dietary restrictions: No

Top 3 Classroom Supply Wishes: Hand sanitizer, headphones, crayons or markers

What can your classroom parents do to help you the most: Volunteer at lunch